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William Paget received his Elementary Flying Training at No. 12 EFTS Goderich. S/L H.E. King, Chief Flying Instructor, assessed Paget as “Very steady pilot. Aerobatics are improving steadily. General flying is high average. Forced landings are average. Very conscientious about his flying.” While at Centralia, G/C Fullerton assessed Paget as “A high average pilot – clever worker – recommended for a commission.” From Centralia, Paget was posted to No. 34 Operational Training Unit. Upon completion of training, Paget was assessed “This pilot has done very well. He is very keen and enthusiastic. Above average.” After completing Operational Training, Paget was posted to 437 Squadron. On September 23, 1944, F/O Paget piloted Dakota KG305 on his first operational trip with the Squadron.The aircraft left base at RAF Blakehill Farm at 13.30 hours for a pannier dropping mission to re-supply airborne forces in Holland who had been cut off by the enemy. The target was a dropping zone west of Arnhem, Holland. F/O Paget and crew are believed to have become a casualty at about 16.10 hours near the dropping zone, where enemy activity in the form of light flak and small arms fire was encountered by other aircraft. A civilian buried the crew near the scene of the crash. Paget was from Shelburne, Ontario. In 1947, Annie Paget wrote a letter to the RCAF Casualties Officer. “Would you please tell me if my dear son, the late Flying Officer William R. Paget received some award for his gallantry at Arnhem. I have had it on my mind for some time, and feel that his sorrowing parents have at least a right to know. “My son, like many others was married a few hours before leaving for overseas, and we his parents who loved and mourn his loss, receive no word or any of his personal effects to cherish. We feel this is very unjust.”