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Tragedy struck Course 95 at Centralia on January 14, 1944, when Hamilton, Ontario native LAC Adam DiFilippo was killed along with his instructor, P/O Francis Henning a resident of Atlin, B.C. (pictured below). While flying in Anson 7272, the aircraft struck the top of a chimney, causing the Anson to crash. The conclusion of the Accident Investigation Board: “When demonstrating low flying, instructors are to do so in the approved low flying area for their particular unit and are to clear all obstacles by a minimum height of 50 feet.
On February 5, 1944 three students of Pilot Officer Henning wrote to his parents. "As former students of Mr. Hennings we wish to let you know of our great admiration for him as our instructor and friend. Mr. Henning possessed an instructing quality and good will manner that promoted a feeling of friendship between himself and his pupils. He started us on our way to our wings and his memory will be carried with us wherever we go." Signed by: D.W. Adair, A.D. Skirrow, E.F. Anderson